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Creating & Editing Posts


Your site has PAGES and POSTS. Whilst pages are static content such as ABOUT US or CONTACT, posts can be tagged, categorized, archived, added to feeds and archived have comments fields beneath them and can be included in your website’s RSS feed.

Writing a post:

  1. From your WordPress Dashboard – click on POSTS > ADD NEW – and do the following:
  2. Fill in the TITLE
  3. Add the TEXT
  4. If you would like to add an excerpt for your post (this will show as a snippet on the blog overview or category page) – scroll down the page till you see EXCERPT – if it is not visible – click on SCREEN OPTIONS at top of the page and make sure ‘Excerpt’ is ticked.
  5. Add an image to the text (see ADDING IMAGES TO POSTS/PAGES)
  6. To add an image which will be used as an thumbnail image for the overview blog page add an image into the Featured Image panel
  7. If required – assign the post to a CATEGORY by ticking the category in the category panel (see right-hand panel)
  8. If required – add tags
  9. Click PUBLISH

Reordering posts:

Posts are ordered on the page according to when they were created – showing the newest first. To reorder simply change the published date (there are also plugins available which allow you to easily reorder posts).

 Editing a post:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard go to POSTS > ALL POSTS
  2. If you only want to change the title, slug, publish date or category of the post, you can use QUICK EDIT, which you can access from the ALL POSTS page by hovering over the title
  3. Make the changes needed > click UPDATE
  4. If you want to edit the content – click on the post you want to edit (if you have lots of posts you can filter them using the tools above the posts list)
  5. Update your post > click UPDATE